OpenFXT By NULLCommand1
Welcome to my platform! I'm NULLCommand1, and here you'll find a curated collection of free tools, APIs, npm packages, and open-source projects I've crafted with care. Explore my work, discover my skills, and reach out if something resonates. Click below or scroll down to dive in!

About Us

Individual Tech Projects


"OpenFXT is developed and maintained by NULLCommand1, an IT graduate from the class of 2024. Each tool and product on this platform is designed and updated independently by NULLCommand1, reflecting their passion and personal skills."

Total Projects (6)
Operational Projects (4)
Paused Projects (2)
Education Background
Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Coursework: Software Development, Data Structures, Algorithms, Network Security, Database Management, Artificial Intelligence.

Graduated: 2024

2020 - 2024

Programming Experience
Independent Programming Projects

Though I have not had formal programming experience in a business environment, I have honed my programming skills through a series of personal projects. These projects have allowed me to work with various programming languages and tools, and I have showcased them on the OpenFXT platform.

Most widely used technology: NodeJS

Strive until you no longer need to introduce yourself to others


Đảo nghiêng

Trần gian đau khổ một chữ tiền
Gần nửa cuộc đời chẳng bình yên
Thiếu niên hoài bão chưa trọn vẹn
Đảo nghiêng đã thấy lộ hoàng tuyền

-- Collected by Admin Nguyễn Hữu Tài --